Taxi Driver Assessment
Mann Fleet Solutions
If you prefer to book over the phone, please call on 07921777667
Most local authorities now insist you pass a taxi driver assessment in order to drive a taxi or private hire vehicle.
This includes Hackney Carriage.
To find out if your local authority requires you to take a taxi driver assessment please contact them directly. You should also check that we already work with your local authority to carry out the taxi driver assessment on their behalf.
There are 3 types of taxi driver assessment you can take:
Standard Taxi Assessment & Private Hire Test
A manoeuvre where you’ll be asked to carry out a manoeuvre like a bay park, a parallel park or reversing around a corner.
Around 10 minutes of driving without being given turn-by-turn directions by the assessor.
Stops at the side of the road as if a passenger is getting in or out.
Related questions, like what to do if a passenger leaves property in your vehicle, questions from The Highway Code and identifying traffic signs and road markings. You may also be asked to demonstrate an emergency stop.
Wheelchair Assessment
You’ll have to do a wheelchair assessment if you want to drive a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
You’ll need to bring a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
You’ll need to show your ability to:
Safely load and unload the wheelchair in your vehicle.
Use the wheelchair brakes to secure and release it.
Fasten the seat belts or safety harnesses.
Secure any wheel belts or clamps fitted to your vehicle.
This assessment is a combination of both the standard and wheelchair assessments combined. (the wheelchair exercise is conducted first, followed by the standard driving assessment)
Your booking will be confirmed by email or text message from 07921777667
What you must bring
Your driving licence
If you have the old style (non-photo card) licence, then you must also bring a valid passport
A Suitable Vehicle of any age
Vehicle requirements
Your vehicle should be insured
The vehicle must be fully roadworthy
Either a manual or an automatic vehicle is acceptable.
We reserve the right for our assessors to check the tax and MOT status of your vehicle where an assessor has reasonable concern that your vehicle is not roadworthy.
In addition to the above, we have a policy of not allowing any recording of the assessment (audio or visual)
If your vehicle does not meet the above requirements, your assessment will not go ahead and you will lose your assessment fee.
What does the assessment involve?
Before the assessment starts
Please ensure that your clothing and footwear will not affect your ability to safely use the controls of your vehicle.
We will ask you to read a vehicle number plate from a distance of 20 metres away. If you require the use of glasses or contact lenses to read the number plate, then you must also wear these during the driving assessment. If you fail the eyesight test, the rest of the assessment cannot go ahead and you will lose your fee. If you are taking the enhanced assessment you can still carry out the wheelchair exercise.
Practical driving assessment
During the taxi driver assessment, the assessor will ask you to:
stop at the side of the road as if a passenger were entering or exiting the vehicle
carry out a manoeuvre, where you will be asked to turn the vehicle around to face in the opposite direction
drive for approximately 10 minutes without being given turn-by-turn directions (eg. by following road signs)
answer questions from the Highway Code
answer questions related to cabology
You may also be asked to carry out an emergency stop.
You will pass the taxi driver assessment if you make 9 or fewer faults, unless you accumulate a number of faults in one area. If any serious or dangerous faults are recorded this will result in a fail. Please note faults will be recorded for incorrect answers given when answering cabology and Highway Code questions as well as driving faults committed on the practical element of the assessment.
Please note some taxi driver assessments are observed by quality assurance staff.
Wheelchair exercise
If you choose to take the enhanced taxi driver assessment, you will need to carry out the wheelchair exercise. You will need to bring a wheelchair accessible vehicle. During this exercise you will need to show that you can:
safely load and unload the wheelchair in and out of your vehicle
secure the wheelchair in your vehicle using the wheelchair brakes and also release it
fasten the seat belts or safety harness
secure any wheel belts or clamps fitted to your vehicle
Passing your assessment
When you pass your assessment you will be handed a copy of the assessment paperwork. You will also be offered a verbal debrief from the assessor. You will then receive your pass certificate by email, within 3 working days. The information on your pass certificate cannot be amended once it has been issued. The information contained on your certificate must match the information shown on your driving licence.
Failing the assessment
If you do not pass, you will be given a copy of the assessment paperwork and offered a verbal debrief from the assessor. To rebook your assessment, fill in our booking form again.
Amending or cancelling your assessment
You can easily amend or cancel your assessment once it has been booked. Please call us on 07921777667 or mannfleetsolutions@mail.com to do this. Please ensure you give enough notice to amend or cancel – you must give at least 4 clear working days notice so that you don’t lose your fee (working days = Monday to Friday, not including bank holidays. 4 clear working days, does not include the day you inform us you would like to cancel or the date of the assessment).